Chapter 36 Endnotes

 1 Roger Hicks, unpublished autobiographical MS, chapter 6, 'Living with Mahatma Gandhi'.

 2 Martin, account of Asian trip.

 3 Surya Sena: Of Sri Lanka I Sing (Ranco, Colombo, 1978), pp. 225-7.

 4 Dudley Senanayake and S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike to Buchman, 21 November 1952.

 5 R. G. Senanayake to Buchman, date unknown; Martin, Asian account.

 6 Martin, Asian account.

 7 Bombay Chronicle, 20 November 1952. This was in the first of thirteen special supplements devoted to the tour by leading Indian newspapers, published at their own initiative and expense.

 8 25 November 1952.

 9 Jawaharlal Nehru: An Autobiography (John Lane and Bodley Head, 1936), pp 153-4.

10 Jawaharlal Nehru: An Autobiography (Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Foundation, New Delhi, 1980),

11 Jawaharlal Nehru to Buchman, 1 May 1926.

12 Austin and Konstam, p. 191.

13 Hindustan Times, etc., 2 January 1953; Buchman, p. 205.

14 Duncan Corcoran to Buchman, 24 March 1953.

15 Peter Howard: Frank Buchman's Secret (Heinemann, 1961), p. 31.

16 Martin, Asian account.

17 ibid.

18 ibid.

19 A reference is made to this visit in Stanley Wolpert: Jinnah of Pakistan (OUP, 1984), p.303.

20 Martin, Asian account.

21 Michael Brecher: Nehru, A Political Biography (OUP, 1959), pp. 607-8.

22 From speech by Sanjiva Reddi in Westminster Theatre, London, 1972.

23 Told to Hicks by Appadorai Aaron.

24 Mr and Mrs Albert H. Ely to Buchman, 4 June 1951.

25 ibid., 2 June 1949.

26 Gilbert Harris to Buchman, 23 October 1951.

27 Mrs John Henry Hammond to Buchman, 5 January 1957.

28 New York Herald-Tribune, 4 January 1951.

29 For further analysis see Thornton-Duesbery, pp. 94-95. The accounts of the Oxford Group in Britain are filed at the Companies Registry Department of the Board of Trade, where they can be inspected.