Chapter 31 Endnotes

 1 Winston Churchill: The Second World War (Cassell, 1954), Vol. VI, p. 138 .

 2 Forrestal Diaries (Cassell, 1952), p. 57.

 3 At Harvard, 5 June 1947.

 4 H. Kenaston Twitchell: Regeneration in the Ruhr (1981), pp. 8-12. I was present at the interview with Lord Pakenham (now Lord Longford) and personally confirmed this statement with him in 1981 in preparation for the publication of Twitchell's account.

 5 Twitchell, p. 22.

 6 Erich Peyer to Buchman, 15 April 1948.

 7 Gabriel Marcel: Fresh Hope for the World (Longmans, 1960), p. 24.

 8 Tagespiegel, 26 October 1947.

 9 Leif Hovelsen: The Struggle for Post-War Europe, p. 3. (See 32 note 13.)

10 Hans von Herwarth: Against Two Evils 1931-45 (Collins, 1981); Zwischen Hitler und Stalin (Propyläen Verlag, 1982).

11 New World News, June 1948.

12 Reinhold Maier: Ein Grundstein wird gelegt 1945-47 (Tübingen, 1964), p. 383.

13 Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 5 October 1947.

14 Prittie in letter of 9 August 1979 to Price. (Price dissertation, The Moral Re-Armament Movement and Post-War European Reconstruction, p. 20.)

15 Schmid to Price, 8 October 1979. (ibid., p. 20.)

16 Hans Peters: Problematik der deutschen Demokratie (Origo Verlag, 1948).

17 Caux transcripts, 2 September 1947.

18 ibid., 13 September 1947.

19 For the complete story of Irène Laure and Peter Petersen, who later became a Member of Parliament, see Marcel, pp. 18-30.

20 Lord Pakenham to Jacob Kaiser, Chairman of the CDU in Berlin, 24 December 1947, quoted in Twitchell, pp. 32-3.

21 General Clay to Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd, 3 December 1947, quoted in Twitchell, p. 32. Twitchell includes a translation of Es Muss Alles Anders Werden (pp. 70-84).

22 Public Records Office, WD1111/1-2-4 of 6.1.50, F0371.70607, C81, C914, C10152, etc.

23 NewYork Times, 8 September 1947.

24 Los Angeles Herald and Express, 3 June 1948.

25 Twitchell, p. 40.

26 Buchman to Robert Schuman, 30 August 1948.

27 Caux transcripts, 12 September 1948. Adenauer's warm letter of thanks to Buchman, 22 September 1948, is reproduced in Hans Peter Mensing: Adenauer Briefe1947-1949 (Siedler Verlag, 1984).

28 Price, p. 31.